
Mediation is a voluntary process used to settle disputes. When two parties have conflicting opinions, the parties may use mediation in order to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. The neutral third party is known as the mediator.

1- The mediation process saves time. Mediation sessions are scheduled by the parties and the mediator, and are not dictated by a court calendar.

2- The mediation process saves money. Mediation fees are generally split between the parties. Mediators provide information and helps assist and guide communication so that both parties can meaningfully participate in finding a workable solution to their issues.

3- Mediation is fair. The mediation process allows each party the opportunity to tell their side of the story and to be heard. Mediation sessions are confidential and financial information is exchanged and discussed in private.

No. The mediation process is completely voluntary and the mediator does not have the authority to decide disputes between the parties. The goal of mediation is to allow the parties to empower and control their own destiny.

The mediator will prepare a written Memorandum of Understanding setting forth the parties’ agreement, and each party has the opportunity to discuss the agreement with an attorney prior to finalizing it. If desired, the attorney mediator also may assist the parties in preparing the documents necessary to have the agreement made into a final Judgment of the court.

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